Teambuilding. Strategy.

Teambuilding: strengthening a group of people who already hold a family, workplace or community interest in common.

Strategy: a plan for achieving specific outcomes.

Engaging well with others--at work, in a family, in a community--doesn't always come naturally. Let us help you excel in your team relationships.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Light Bulb on Your Team

When you walk into a room, do you look at the ceiling lights or lamps and say, "Thank the Lord that these lights are working!" do you? Likely, you don't. You just expect the lights to come on when you flip the switch. If anything, it's most noticeable if you lose power and suddenly what you have come to depend on, and take for granted, isn't working anymore.

Your organization probably has a lot of "light bulbs" on the team. These are the folks that, day in and day out, do the background work with excellence. They are attentive to detail. They like routine. They feel unsettled if things are not predictable. They may be somewhat critical, shining a light on people and tasks that can show their negative sides.

You need these light bulbs. They carry out the details of the vision of your company. They remember things the flashlights and party lights do not. They are steady and very dependable, tending to arrive on time--and leave on time--every day. They may be quiet, but they are observant. Sometimes they may seem picky. Light bulbs are great in roles that require lots of attention to detail such as accounting or medical work. They may need to work on their people skills from time to time, because tasks tend to be more important to them. They like to feel in control.

When managing a light bulb, keep in mind their need for lead time (they are slower- paced than many), rationale (explanations for why a certain policy is needed--they like things to make sense) and quiet appreciation (they will not enjoy a public fanfare but a sincere, short note or email can speak volumes to them.)

Light bulbs. Not dramatic, but very important. Treat them well.

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