Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Four Warnings for Team Leaders

Do you want to be a leader? Consider these warnings first.

It's not about you. Obvious, right? Not so fast. How many people take on a leadership role because it positions them for advancement or recognition? Many natural "leader types" also can struggle with affirmation addiction. You must instead serve your team and that could mean a lot of time staying in the background.

Eventually, they won't need you. That is if you do your job right. Your goal in leading this team is that they will eventually handle the project, do the tasks, or fulfill the mission with less and less input from you. The best sign that you are a good team leader is when people don't even notice you at all, but instead see the great work your team has done.

Attitude flows down, not up. If you are in a critical, grumpy mood, prepare for a listless, fearful team. If you are over exuberant, expect your team to be skeptical. Find a reasonable balance within your personality that consistently provides your team with a positive, effective atmosphere in which to do their best. You don't need to have a celebration party every week, but you could take them out to lunch once in awhile. You don't have to have an open door policy all day long, but staying tucked in a cubicle never wanting to be interrupted doesn't work either. Be approachable, but also hands off when necessary.

Change is coming. All organizations evolve and change over time. What requires your leadership now may not be needed in three to five years. Take it from me. I had leadership roles in two different organizations and in both situations, the position I started out with eventually faded away, leaving me unemployed (once by choice and once not) after 10 and 5 years respectively. Yet it's always led to the next great step for my vocation.

Team leadership is a great, rewarding challenge. Know what to expect when you take on that role. 


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