Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Party Light on Your Team

If you've ever walked into a room where a strobe light or mirror ball is running, you get the idea of the "party light" personality on your team. This is the person who:

   everyone knows
   knows everyone
   never walks into a room quietly
   is an expert at mingling
   knows what is going on in the organization (keeps his/her finger on the pulse of everything)
   can answer lots of questions about the company
   is in the middle of most fun plans

You need some party lights on your team. They keep projects from getting boring. Their knowledge and influence can be very valuable as you make decisions. They will wholeheartedly promote your product and company to others. They are often the glue that holds teams together. But...

You have to reign them in.

The party light has a tendency to be overbearing. Their energy can overwhelm the quieter, behind the scenes folks and annoy those in charge because they often steal the spotlight.

Harness this person's energy and enthusiasm with specific guidelines and deadlines. Tap into their knowledge, showing genuine appreciation. Partner them with detail-oriented, patient people who are willing to handle the specifics while they take care of the big picture.

And let them plan the parties.


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