Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Candle On Your Team

Warm and inviting. That's the atmosphere created when we light candles.

There are people who create an environment that is warm, welcoming, and secure. These are the candles on your team--the ones who rarely get into conflicts, who lend a listening ear, who are stable and supportive.

We need plenty of candles on our team. They tend to follow more than lead, so they will more likely carry out the work that is determined by the more direct individuals. They will often be the peacekeepers as well. They hate conflict.

But beware. If a candle is continue snuffed, or irritated by drops of gasoline, they can "explode," surprising everyone and perhaps even themselves! Because they don't speak up as easily when conflicts occur, they let things build. Be watching for signs of over-stress and fatigue and deal with issues before these good hearted folks become burned out.

Encourage candles to contribute to conversations and decisions. They are observant and wise even though often quiet. They also enjoy being teamed with a few other people to work on projects. They like to belong--and are very loyal. Who doesn't need a loyal friend and teammate?


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