Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Four Things Your Team Needs from You

If you are a team leader, you will have followers. To do the job well, you have to provide them with some important things. Here are four of them.

Clear expectations. It is difficult to read someone's mind. When you clearly share what needs to be done and what the priorities are, your team members can plan their work accordingly. When in doubt, spell it out, but don't be patronizing!

A listening ear.  You can learn a lot by listening to your team members. Prompt discussion. Ask questions. Find out how things can be better, from their point of view.

Time. Particularly if you are new leader, your team will need time to learn how you like to do things. Don't expect them to adjust to your preferences over night.

Space. Micromanaging doesn't help anyone. Give your team members some authority over their projects. For example, allow reasonable freedom in writing and formatting documents. Allow them to suggest changes to a long standing might find a much more efficient method to getting it done!

While there are lots of things you will need to do to be a good team leader, these four are an excellent start!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the information,
i completely agree with those points, especially about micromanaging.
back 2-3 years ago in college, i was this type of teamleader (micromanaging). but now i don't. i fully let my staff show their creativity, their way, their paradigm, and their concept. The result is exactly what you write above ' might find a much more efficient method to getting it done!'


SOS Booster said...

A great way to boost your remote team's morale and performance is to organize Virtual employee engagement activities during work from home. It will improve the relationship between an organization and its remote employees.

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