Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Flashlight on Your Team

He always has new ideas. She steps up to the plate whenever there is a new project to lead. People tend to gravitate toward him for instructions. She casts a vision and makes a plan. They are your flashlights.

Every organization needs at least one flashlight. A flashlight lights the way, and is usually focused in one direction. In the event of a natural disaster, those with flashlights often become leaders for those who can't see where to go.

In your company, the flashlight will "light up" when a new project comes along. They like to conquer goals and see tangible results. They don't mind saying what many wish they had the courage to reveal. They will set direction, make bold statements, and hit the ground running.

They may also run into a wall. Achieving satisfaction through finished projects and tasks, they have a hard time simply relaxing. When driving too hard too long, they can crash and burn out needing significant escape or recharging.

They can also run over others. Team leaders like this are great at getting a plan together, but may have a harder time patiently taking input from others. Give them some leeway for taking command, but coach them on the value that others on the team have.

When talking to a flashlight, stick with facts. They like the bottom line without a lot of fluff or even rationale. When you bring him or her a problem, be succinct in telling it. Have some possible solutions in mind, but don't share them right away. The flashlight likes to fix things and finds problem solving a challenge. Time your contribution to the ideas right, so they feel like they are being trusted to lead and not usurped.

On the other hand, it is acceptable to expect a leader to behave appropriately even if they are hard driven, fast paced and task focused. They are direct, so be willing to be direct with them. Emphasize that support of their leadership will come more easily if the people involved feel considered and cared for.

When developing a team, be sure you only have a few flashlights. You don't want an entire team of these folks. They will fight over who will be in charge and what direction to go! But be thankful for a few flashlights, for without them, the rest of your team may never get anywhere fast.

Teambuilding Strategy can help YOU build a stronger team through a variety of affordable services. Contact us today!


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