Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Teambuilding Activity: Scavenger Hunt

Have a creative person on your team develop a scavenger hunt or quiz based on facts about your organization. This works well, for example, if you work in a building that holds a lot of history, but you can do it with any situation.

Hand out or email questions and have a deadline for turning them in, and schedule a little party for giving out prizes for the most answers correct, or fastest completion of the quiz.

If you want to be a little more elaborate, set up clues around your building, town, or city and have people work in teams to get to a final destination. You can be waiting at a restaurant or rented room with a special treat to congratulate the employees as they finish.

The goal in this game is three-fold. First, if well-researched, it will provide information about your company and location that will educate your employees. Secondly, it will sharpen your teams' thinking skills. Lastly, it will be fun. Fun companies retain good, devoted employees which has a positive affect on your culture and bottom line. That's a win-win for everyone.


Thadz said...

hello there, nice resource you have here. I am Thadz of

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